Everyone’s WRONG about WEIGHT LOSS #shorts

Weightloss Videos

I started re-reading The Obesity Code by Jason Fung and, while I do still think it’s an amazing book with some fantastic insights and I highly recommend it, I was struck by how dogmatic it was.

The book outlines the insulin model of obesity, which suggests that people gain weight when they consume excessive amounts of processed carbohydrates, which in turn causes insulin levels to rise and results in the body storing fat.

Basically too many (processed) carbs leads to insulin resistance, which leads to fat storage.

This model has a lot of merit and a lot of truth. Insulin resistance absolutely plays a huge part in weight gain and obesity.

But soooo much of the book is dedicated to also talking about why the calorie model of obesity (that weight gain is caused by eating too many calories and that simply reducing calories will elicit weight loss) is completely false.

Dr Fung presents it as an either/or model. Whereby only one can be true and therefore the other must be false.

And this fallacy isn’t unique to The Obesity Code. Its present in diet dogma everywhere. That not only is the solution presented correct, it is, in fact, the ONLY solution.

But in reality, each model of obesity and each diet brings something new to the table.

Both insulin resistance AND a surplus of calories can contribute to fat storage. They are not mutually exclusive.

There is no one simple, right answer. ALL of these variables must be taken into account in order to get the most accurate picture.

This is why people so often get led astray or get overwhelmed and confused in the nutrition space. Because people who are trying to SELL things *over-simplify* their own model to make it easy to understand and then *condemn* other models.

But it’s precisely this over-simplification and condemnation that is keeping us stuck in the obesity epidemic. No one is actually trying to solve it. They’re just trying to profit off it.

So the takeaway here is that the human body is a COMPLEX system. The true “answer” for weight loss is a COMPLEX model.






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Please do your own research on any supplement/food product mentioned before adding it to your own diet, especially if you have any underlying health conditions that may be a contraindication for the food or supplement.

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