The Benefits of the Raw Food Diet for a Healthy Life

WeightLoss Articles

What is the Raw Food Diet and Why Should You Try It?

Have you heard about the Raw Food Diet? It’s gaining popularity as a diet not just for weight loss, but also for promoting a long and healthy life. In our modern world, we consume so much processed food that we forget about the nutritional benefits of natural, unprocessed foods that our ancestors used to consume.

The Raw Food Diet involves eating food in its natural, unprocessed form. This is beneficial because processing and cooking can strip away the basic nutritional value of the food. For example, cooking pasta to the al dente stage preserves more nutritional value compared to cooking it well-done. Similarly, peeling vegetables and fruits too deeply removes most of the nutrients just under the surface.

This diet involves consuming at least 75% of uncooked, organic, whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, dried fruits, and seaweeds. By consuming raw foods, we are eating the way our ancient, healthier, and more fit ancestors did. They did not cook or process their food and drank natural, spring water instead of tap water.

Eating raw, unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods is beneficial because cooking takes many nutrients and vitamins out of food. A raw carrot has more nutrition than a cooked one. Cooking also alters the chemistry of foods, making them harder to digest, leading to digestive problems in our bodies. Raw foods abolish constipation, clear obstructions, and increase blood flow, delivering nutrients and oxygen to every cell in our bodies.

The Raw Food Diet also boosts metabolism, which helps in the digestion of raw foods. It requires a little more energy to digest raw foods, but it’s a healthy process that feeds every cell in our bodies with vitamins, fluids, enzymes, and oxygen. By giving our bodies the nutrients they crave, we stop overeating because our bodies and brains are no longer starving for the nutrients they need.

In conclusion, the Raw Food Diet is a way of eating that is in harmony with our bodies and our planet. By consuming unprocessed, nutrient-rich foods, we give our bodies the nutrition they need, prevent overeating, and boost our metabolism.